Meet Tsuzuri Yugiri, a prominent character in the anime series "Link! Live! Love Live!" Tsuzuri, a second-year student at Hasunosora Girls’ High School, plays an essential role as a member of the celebrated subunit DOLLCHESTRA. Offstage, Tsuzuri may appear somewhat absentminded, yet once she takes the spotlight, her performance prowess shines brilliantly. Renowned as a prodigious talent who can be challenging to approach, Tsuzuri carries a hidden vulnerability and a warm, approachable demeanor, revealing a truly friendly and personable side beneath her enigmatic exterior.
Product Features
- 6.3 inches tall (16cm)
- Made of plastic
- Based on Link! Like! Love! Live!
- Part of the Desktop x Decorate Collections series
- Highly detailed
- Non-articulated
Box Contents
- Tsuzuri Yugiri figure