Nissin Raoh Yuzu Shio Ramen has been developed through a state-of-the-art, triple-layer process without frying the noodles and then pairing them with a rich and savory umami broth.
The noodles contain whole wheat flour which is more nutritious and has more fiber than regular wheat.
The broth flavors of Raoh ramen series are inspired by popular ramen shops across Japan.
This Yuzu Shio Ramen broth is obtained by simmering vegetables, chicken and seafood and blending it with a kelp soup base flavored with Japanese yuzu citrus.
Ingredienser och allergener
Vetemjöl, matstärkelse, vegetabilisk olja (palmolja, risolja, sesamolja), salt, majssirap, innehåller mindre än 2 % av det autolyserade jästextraktet, kalciumkarbonat, karamell, kasein, dinatriumguanylat, dinatriumsuccinat, torkad grön lök, vitlökspulver, laktos, mononatriumglutamat, naturlig och artificiell smak, polyglycerolester av fettsyror, kaliumkarbonat, majspulver, rostat vetemjöl, natriumkarbonat, natriumcitrat, natriumhexametafosfat, natriummetafosfat, natriummetafosfat, natriummetafosfat, , sojalecitin, sojabönor, kryddor, socker, tokoferol, vete, vita sesamfrön, xantangummi.