Monkey D. Luffy, affectionately known as “Straw Hat Luffy,” is the charismatic and adventurous protagonist of the long-running anime and manga series One Piece, created by Eiichiro Oda. As the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy embarks on a grand journey across the seas with an unwavering resolve to achieve his dream of becoming the Pirate King.
His dream stems from his belief that being the Pirate King represents ultimate freedom—a value he holds above all else. Inspired by the late Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, and encouraged by his childhood hero, Shanks, Luffy sets out to find the legendary treasure known as the One Piece, said to be hidden at the end of the Grand Line.
Luffy’s journey is fueled by his indomitable will, cheerful demeanor, and boundless optimism. Despite his goofy and often simple-minded nature, he possesses incredible determination and a deep sense of loyalty to his crew and friends. Thanks to his Gum-Gum Fruit (a Devil Fruit that grants his body rubber-like properties), Luffy develops unique and powerful combat techniques, which he uses to face formidable foes and protect his loved ones.
As Luffy travels from island to island, he challenges oppressive powers, helps those in need, and gathers a diverse and loyal crew united by a shared sense of adventure and dreams of freedom. His quest to become the Pirate King is not just about finding treasure—it's about carving his own path and inspiring others to follow their dreams.
Product Features
- 3.9 inches tall (10cm)
- Made of plastic
- Based on the One Piece anime
- Part of the FigLife! line
- Non-articulated