UHA Mikakuto Grape Flavor Gummy Candy

  • 39 SEK

UHA Sakeru gummies are grape gummies that you can eat whole or cut into strips and enjoy. They also have a chewy texture and rich flavorThese gummies use 100% r

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Artikelnummer: 215

UHA Sakeru gummies are grape gummies that you can eat whole or cut into strips and enjoy. They also have a chewy texture and rich flavor

These gummies use 100% real Kyoho grape juice, so you can enjoy their sweet and refreshingly tart flavor.

Each bag comes with 7 pieces, the perfect size to share with others or just devour in one sitting. These bags are also perfect to take anywhere on the go with you such as to school or work!

SE:Socker, vegetabiliskt fetter och oljor, sirap, gelatin, fruktjuice -koncentrat (druvor, datum), fruktosglukosvätskesocker, mjölksyrakakterier (steriliserad), E1400, E460, surande, emulgier, smak, E163, Gardenia, E951, (vissa Mejeriingredienser ingår)
