Hata ramune Matcha Green Tea 200ml

  • 29 SEK

Ramune is a Japanese carbonated soda known from anime, manga, and J-dramas. It comes in a so-called Codd-neck bottle, which has a small glass marble at the top

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Artikelnummer: 484

Ramune is a Japanese carbonated soda known from anime, manga, and J-dramas. It comes in a so-called Codd-neck bottle, which has a small glass marble at the top that you push down to open the bottle before enjoying the sweet drink. This one tastes like green matcha tea.

SE:Kolsyrat vatten, glukosfruktosmajssirap, socker, grönt tearom, artificiell arom, surhetsreglerande medel [E330], färg; E102, E129, E133. Innehåller AZO-färgämnen som kan ha negativ effekt på barns beteende och koncentration. Näringsinformation: Per 100ml. Energi: 146kJ/35kcal / Fett: 0g / Varav mättat fett: 0g / Kolhydrater: 9,5g / Varav sockerarter: 9,5g / Protein: 0g. / Salt: 0g.